Here I would break the rules and write less. Because it is less I have to say.
Artists would talk for himselves. Storm Thorgerson. One of my favourite artists,
without a doubt. Artist, photographer, designer – he is known for working in all
branches of art. His fantasy, point of view, technique – I love everything he does.
He designed CD covers for hundreds of very well known artists from Peter Gabriel
(Peter Gabriel 1) and Pink Floyd (Back Catalogue, the Wall) to Muse (Absolution)
and Audioslave (Audioslave), collaborated with world-class artists, created number
of books, logos, illustrations, posters, designs.. Countless pieces of work, real
and surreal at the same time. I am not going to talk about him much – his works
talk for him. Necessary to cast a glance at his works here.
Anyway, there is a question – how does he stay so creative? Where all his ideas
came from? The past I would say. And René Magritte, of course. Storm thorgerson is a great example
of getting inspiration from other artists, but not reproducing their ideas,
just making those ideas his ideas, represent them in differend way, watching
from a differend angle. It is obvious that we can not compare techniques of these
artists, Thorgerson – digital artist the most and magritte – classic painter,
but point of view, seeing of the world and ideas – that‘s what unite them. Magritte
teaches how to make the audience think, he is thought-provoking specialist, teacer
of Storm Thorgerson and a number of other artists. You can visit his museum in Belgium.
Some work of both artists
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